What We Do

Wycombe Youth Action


Our work within the community aims to target and challenge attitudes and perceptions around young people. We complete multi-generational and conservation projects to provide young people the chance to give back to their community, and provide them with the chance to both challenge and change the stereotypes faced by young people today. Further, we work to support safer, more equal communities so local communities can thrive.

The WYA team runs projects throughout the year to engage a wide range of young people and help them to develop skills and confidence. Many of these projects involve the creative arts in areas such as graffiti art and rap music, and are generally aimed at reducing social exclusion and helping young people to develop and achieve their goals.

Our Services

Our project officers go into schools and work with small groups of young people on a variety of topics, throughout the year groups. They also hold larger assemblies for year groups on more generic matters that young people can engage with.

Some of our projects being taken into schools are:

Empowering Young Women

Empowering Young Men

Ok to Talk

Knife crime awareness

Beauty and The Truth

If you would like us to work with your young people at schools, clubs, alternative education facility etc., please contact us: info@wycombeyouthaction.co.uk

Registered Charity Number: 1172046

Our Policies: Click here to view our Safeguarding and Privacy policies

Meet The Team


Haseeb Nawaz


Haseeb Nawaz

I have over five years of youth work experience, including working in young offenders’ establishment, am PTLLS qualified and hold a national youth mentor certification. I had a life changing experience in my early 20’s which empowered me to help others. I understand how easy it is for young people to be led astray and am now committed to helping others who may find themselves in similar situations, in making positive changes to their lives. I work with young people in grouping and mentoring in 1:1 situations.



Yasmin Harris

I have been working for WYA for five years, I started as a project officer and am now a Senior Project Officer and Safeguarding Lead. Previously I was a manager at Education Youth Services working with young people who had been excluded from mainstream school. I’m extremely positive and see great potential in young people; I like to support them in reaching their goals and aspirations. I have boundless energy which is evidenced in my delivery of projects within WYA, e.g. Empowering Young Women, Girls’ Group and the Youth Council. I hold qualifications in mentoring, youth work, counselling, management and more. I enjoy working within a team and learning from those around me, drawing on differing experiences.